HA…Most people on OUR TEAM are screaming “but I thought he was a Free Speech Absolutist “.
Well…er..NO he is Not…and neither are YOU nor anybody else IMO
Everybody who owns / runs any “media” platform has their own self interest first …and thats what makes the world go round
ALL the Social and Main Stream media has been controlled by ONE side for so long that we have forgotten this IMHO .
I know from experience How chaotic and divisive and frustrating it can be when Everyone has a voice on one platform.
I just doesn’t work.
Case in Point
Just before the Covid era…I had slipped into my left / Middle Personna. It was a phase …I was Originally very Right leaning in most aspects ( More Libertarian I suppose) but shifted…and It pissed of many regulars here…some left…I admit to suffering from Trump derangement…AFTER he won…I really wanted him to win and celebrated when he did.. but somehow got caught up in CNNs non stop propaganda and it turned me around
Then with Covid..i started to see how ubiquitous the Media was in Censoring ANY and ALL opinions that were not part of the fear Mongering…That did it …and I actually turned on a dime
BUT we had attracted about a Dozen Left leaning Goldbugs and they were furious when we changed focus from ONLY PM related
TA …and from forbidding Politics …to Mostly Covid related discussions AND Politics…These guys ganged up on me and I was having a MISERABLE time…considered closing the Tent Down….They even harassed me as a group ( they banded together and sent constant emails deriding me…etc.
Then I had an Idea
Every one of these guys who posted something negative about our new direction and who called me out for whatever they wanted…I asked IF they agree with the MSM and BIG TECH censorship of Conservative and Alternative views
CRICKETS…NONE answered…so I asked again…same thing
SO…One by one I deleted their accounts one by one…as they checked in with their miserable drivel each day….and thats when Goldtent transformed for better or worse to what it has become now .
An Oasis in the wilderness where like minded ( thats the key) people can come to discuss and share insights….THE only place where they can do so without getting banned cancelled or slammed mercilessly .
Not everyone agrees on everything of course and we have our little disagreements which must be and are “civil” …bot on the core issues we do agree .
Before this transition we were fine if we stuck to Markets only…. BUT when it comes to Politics and Censorship it is impossible to have a rational discussion with the Leftards…it’s just the way they are wired….like the earlier post today says…Censorship for THEE and not for me. I felt with this world changing covid issue that we HAD to address it and that it WAS political and that we needed to change ….and I am glad we did.
So I long ago gave up the idea of an open board with NO hold barred…and I believe we have attracted a wonderful core group of like minded posters and a much larger group of regular readers and contributors ….and the real BOTTOM LINE is…I and my partner AUDEPT are Much happier with the content and respectful postings ….after all WE do this for FREE and we do this for the JOY of it…and we DO Own the Site….
So this is a long way of saying…..WAY TO GO MUSK…It is YOUR platform and you recognized what it was before you bought it and you are transforming it into a place where the SILENCED CAN participate and you are selectively banning your detractors and critics and leftards ( i repeat myself) who are trying to destroy your platform that you paid 44 Billion $s for.
Censor away…its fine…most will stay and play by the rules…many on the left can play by the rules…BUT who can blame you if they are Banned for Promoting Competitors !
If I own a Business with a website where i promote said business and someone comes on there and continually says…TAKE your business here ( Competitor)..I will ban them post haste
Oh K …rant over…so Bottom line Igor…No Musk is not out of his mind…he is just protecting his investment ..It’s early yet…he is new at this …It’s trial and error
He already reinstated many of the Doxxers…hopefully they have learned
PS…In no way am I comparing our little Tent in the Wilderness to Twitter of course…but we have a big advantage…we screen prospective Posters …Not everyone is allowed in…It’s a Small Exclusive Club and YOU are ALL in it
Musk should have kept those doxxes banned for six months so they learn a serious lesson.
I am STILL permanently banned from twitter.
Despite repeated appeals. Musk ain’t all he’s cracked up to be, but way better than any alternative. Kind of like Trump…
Exactly….go find a Politician or Oligarch who agrees with you on everything 🙂
‘Musk should have kept those doxxes banned for six months so they learn a serious lesson.’
… No Musk should put a LABEL or STICKER on each of such account/PHOTO marking them. WEll, some sort of YELLOW STAR. But by doing such would make us not better or would we.