Up to date Covid Shot Status (had a shot within the past 6 months)
Canada 22.9% Up to date. We are maintaining a level of compliance well below the Branch level
BC 32.2% Up to date. Hmmm……approaching the Branch level but it took a long time to reach. If the Centre was going along we would have reached a much higher number. We saw 54.8% of BC willingly take the first booster. Then dropped off to 29.4% for the second booster. A true sign that the Centre has awakened.
Can usually spot the Branch by their uniform identifier. The Mask! The elite class also wear a face shield. They have earned special status and want you to know. They scuttle along with their suspicious beady eyes on the lookout for a non-complier who is just waiting to infect them.
Thanks Columbia..these are the official Numbers and very telling…likely overstated but thats ok..a good gauge nonethless
I agree about the “Elite”….I try to sneeze when I see one in a store 🙂
Just got back from Walmart …only 10% masked
Try public transit in Vancouver (my eyes rolling in disgust)…..at least 50% of riders sporting face rags, sometimes even doubled up or with a face shield on top 🙁
Puke…Such a beautiful City populated by so many Morons
Such a beautiful COUNTRY populated by so many morons