The Highwire : A Second Opinion
Right on Schedule…the Primary Guest is former Mainstream Vaxx Promoter and Present Vaxx Alarmist Dr Mulhotra
Right on Schedule…the Primary Guest is former Mainstream Vaxx Promoter and Present Vaxx Alarmist Dr Mulhotra
He lost me at 14:25 seconds when he said unvaxxed were of lower socioeconomic class. I do not think that pertains to the people of the “tent”. I have analyzed risk for a living for 22 years. He is an elitest moron. I do not know his caste but I will assume he is brahmin. Just watch his eyes. And just maybe he is going against 7 generations of his “family/caste” brainwashing. I hope others here have more a more positive response to what appears to be a win for us.