With stagflation becoming a rising concern not just for Americans but also Canadians, the pious pontificating from climate alarmists on the virtues of carbon controls is taking a back seat to more legitimate economic fears.  No one cares about carbon “pollution” when they can barely feed and house their families.

Not surprisingly, though, many environmentalists and political elites are heralding inflation as a perfect opportunity to enforce a new Green Agenda much like the Green New Deal.  With prices climbing higher, carbon taxes on various industries and families can be introduced and the public won’t know what percentage of inflation is being causes by currency devaluation, supply chain problems or by artificially instituted carbon costs.

Will Canadians be conned by scraps from the government’s vast tax table?  Hopefully not. The Canadian government says the incentive payments mean 80% of families will be better off financially compared to what they pay in carbon taxes.  However, the parliamentary budget officer says when the total impact of Trudeau’s carbon tax on the economy is considered, 60% of families are left worse off.  This is probably still generous.
