CDC admits: no RCTs support mask efficacy vs covid. none.
this was never plausible. masks leak like crazy, the virus is aerosol, the the virions are so small that using a mask to stop them is like using a chin link fence to keep out mosquitos.
it’s 100% junk science. and they just admitted that it’s all they have. yet they want you to mask up even if vaccinated?
based on what? there is not a shred of real clinical outcomes data with valid control groups to support this and reams to refute it including DANMASK and all the pre-2020 standing pandemic guidelines.
this is shameful. the CDC is committing fraud at this point, and they have to know it.
Mandated misery on everyone without ever even caring there were no trials or evidence to effectiveness.. Why am I not surprised?
I just spent 2 hours riding around the University of British Columbia (UBC) campus this aft. A place of higher learning. I was shocked! About 30% had masks on outside. WTF! Almost all of them were Chinese but still………. Luckily, If you exclude the Chinese, very few would be wearing masks. I am not familiar with Chinese culture but after generations of Communist rule they are very obedient.
Mattias Desmet did state that those with more formal education are more likely to blindly follow and trust authority. I agree.
Teachers, most healthcare workers, Doctors, PhD, you name it! I get told, “I trust the science”, “it’s safe and effective”.
Of all the tradespersons that I encountered these past 6 months, only one was shotted. His Mom required it for him to live at home. Poor bugger. I commiserated with him.
They are a group that questions authority and trust in institutions is not obtained without a reason.
The lot of them are ‘self starter” types. They work it out for themselves and get the job done. They take responsibility for their actions and choices.
We’ve known for a hundred years masks don’t work against viruses. The important question to answer is how we could allow these nazis to do this to us. If the people think we should rule ourselves, we must at the very least, think for ourselves, and stand up for ourselves. We were treated like cowards because we have behaved like cowards.
you took the exact words out of my mouth.
its outrageous that Canadians take the tyranny that that little
insect has put over the population.
Are the truckers the only group who have courage????
Where I live its dedicated to retardation…the walking dead
fully masked some alone in their cars. Much sanitizing of hands etc.
I was told to go wash my hands at my physical therapy apt. and I said ‘no thanks’..
The secretary then walked me over to the sink and I turned on the faucet and turned it off. To heck with that.
I told my therapist I couldn’t breath so I was permitted to uncover my face.
Its all a marketing side show.
If we dont obey its an option & choice, a protest.
Refuse tyranny, don’t obey it.
Civil disobedience matters.
Try some..
Print some leaflets of information….. hand them out
45 min per day or, whenever.