This is really something…longish but you have to see the depts to which the mass Psychotics have descended
Vaxx zealot behavior is like nothing ever seen in human history. Most “sheep” if you will worship a person, like a President or King or movie star. They may also worship a government. But vaxx zealots are like junkies who reject anyone who isn’t a similarly devout junkie. It’s very similar to seeing addicts in San Francisco or Seattle yelling and screaming at themselves in broad daylight, in full public view. Vaxx zealots look just as ridiculous and sick as the average junkie on the street. There’s frankly no difference between the two groups.
Governor of NY comes to mind
It’s the same with the face rags. I see it all the time, especially in Vancouver. Case in point: yesterday a young woman, maybe 30 years old, appearing healthy and fit, entered the change room at the indoor pool. Sporting a useless face rag. Changing into her bathing suit, she removed every article of clothing but kept the face rag on. Donned her bathing suit and bathing cap. Face rag still on. Walked to the shower. Face rag still on. Did not remove the damn thing until the second she entered the water.
Mental illness or virtue-signalling….which is it?