This has been clear for weeks now. The Russians and Ukraines had a peace agreement basically hammered out and were getting ready for a ceasefire and deal. The US continues to rachet up the sanctions, the propaganda and do everything they can to prevent a ceasfire and deal. They have pressured Zalensky to change previous terms he was agreeable to. They want the war to continue for as long as possible to advance a number of agendas. The ones that are obvious are to distract from the inflation and failed economy back home. To distract the American public from the Biden family criminal corruption news coming out from the “laptop” revelations, the desire to spend and waste even more billions on defense and military weapons and to drive oil and food prices higher to advance the green energy industry and continue to reduce the population via starvation added to the Covid murders. If it weren’t for the fact that the Administration is aligned with and controlled by the WEF and the Neocons, you would have to say this was the most incompetent in US history. Unfortunately, they are accomplishing exactly what they want. The destruction of the United States. As I stated in a recent post, Joe Biden and his administration is and are the single gravest threat to “National Security”!