Thanks again Joel
Armstrong is the ONLY one we need to watch IMO
Many of the guys we rely on for our interpretations of world events are all over the map and seemingly just winging it .
It seems so complex . I think we need to keep it simple….IMHO Armstrong is THE one to follow here
and this is coming from a Guy who used to think Armstrong was full of it and full of himself .
Wrong Fully !!
Comment from Matrix
I ALWAYS liked that guy…insane amount of respect for someone who can trade like that man, I was the Wayne Gretzky of CDN$ FX trading…and I bow to Marty….the man knows the inside out of every spoke of the wheel
(ps…Matrix is not bragging …He really was the Gretzky of FX)
He even tried to help us Tenters here trade with his 4 Horsemen …but personally I failed his class miserably . Which is why I am still working ad he is not 🙂