“A Small Handful of Global “Elites” trying to control everyone in the world is like trying to herd cats”
“A Small Handful of Global “Elites” trying to control everyone in the world is like trying to herd cats”
From a commenter
Fuck their “Great Reset” this is OUR Great Reset
What do I mean by that, I mean it’s time for us to reset how our society handles people with different views from the mainstream.
It is my belief that the situation we are in was greatly influenced by the fact that over the past 5-6 years people have felt they needed to hide their real opinions on things if they didn’t align with the PC narrative, they feared being fired or ‘cancelled’.
Want to vote for Trump? whoops can’t say that in front of family or co-workers
Don’t think there’s great oppresion everywhere? better not say that, I’ll be called racist
the list goes on.
The fact that we allowed such an echo-chamber of ideas to exist both online and in our real lives gave rise to the coddled mind. The people who can’t handle acceptable levels of death that we’re seeing with the covid virus. They want to cancel all of us for opposing their means of getting through this and they see that as the right decision because they haven’t heard anyone tell them NO for years.
From now on we need to take a stand and say NO MORE. If you have a different view point it is your obligation to speak it because if you don’t we’re going to get more of this shit and it’s only going to get worse. Never apologize and never back down if you believe in what you stand for, we can not go on like this.
Well said. One of the biggest things where we need to put our foot down and say NO MORE is this whole bullshit revision of history. Everything that this country has stood for and been about. If lefty’s and younger generations want to change things(hopefully for the better) fine. But do it with debate, elections(honest not fraudulent) and gradual change. Not cancelling the past.History is history. Learn from the bad but don’t try to wipe it out like past totalitarian regimes.