Fully’s comment

The Millennials ( Gen Y) have become THE problem now IMO (1977 to 1996 )…they all went to Schools completely controlled by Marxists and worse…they were over indulged with technology but under indulged with hands on parenting …and now they are appearing in positions of influence .

Not all of course but in general..They are THE useful idiots that Lenin and the gang spoke of.
They are the Karens of the world now ( AOC). Pathetic Sniveling little shits in need of a “safe” space.
These are the Covidiots in “public” health who think we NEED them to control our every move so we won’t die.
And all the while they want a “revolution” and want to tear down our history and rewrite it.
They will soon find out there is NO safe space in a revolution ( insurrection) IMHO.


This young lady (14 years old) is thinking for herself and does not want to play by these pathetic Rules….
These Generations tend to go opposite of the one that came before.

This girl is a Gen Z ( 1996 to present)…These are the kids that when they mature will take on these Millidiots and turn things back around to where they should be. These are the kids that will see through this insanity that threatens to create a miserable life for them if they do not challenge it.

Where ever possible we need to take active rolls in nurturing this new generation…Opt them out of the pathetic public school systems…Home School…One Room Private Schoolhouses and just one on one tutor and mentorship.

I admit I was completely unaware of this dynamic until this year. I have woken …and If an old guy like me can do it…so will millions of others.

If you have kids and grandkids in the group..You can make a difference .

2020 has been the wake up Call…we needed… Lets do this .