On Wed. Kewl2 made the following post,

New Legal Memo Giving Trump Supporters Hope on Christmas Eve  Here is the link to the original article.  http://New Legal Memo Giving Trump Supporters Hope on Christmas Eve                                                                                 I believe being Christmas Eve. many missed the article and my comment which was the only one. I am repeating my comment below. The article presents a great, reasoned case for the mistakes made by the Supreme Court in rejecting the Texas case and why they would almost certainly have to take it if it was resubmitted by the President(who would have standing, representing the people) I suggest it would actually be the Acting Attorney General (as proxy for the President and the people) 


The paragraph about re submission of the Texas case to the Supreme Court by the US instead of Texas, being brought by the President(or I would say the Atty General as proxy for the President) is why Trump told Barr to resign by Christmas or he would fire him. May also be why SCOTUS set the date for the PA case to Jan.22 two days after inauguration because they know the TX case is going to be resubmitted and they will be deciding before Jan. 20th on that one. In favor of Trump who will be sworn in on the 20th. The PA case will be moot by then.