I had never paid attention to OMG … acronym disambiguation … O’Keefe Media Group.

But this is what their free newsletter emailed to me yesterday:


Five months ago, I released OMG’s sting on White House official Charlie Kraiger, who worked in the Executive Office of the President.

Kraiger was caught on video by our undercover journalists saying, “Biden is slowing down.”

But what was unexpected in his unknowing confession was that, at the time, Biden’s White House wanted to replace Kamala Harris as Vice President.

Kraiger said, “She [Kamala] couldn’t keep black staff. They quit on her en masse.”

Their quandary Biden was in with replacing Harris was the visual of removing “the first black lady to be vice president from the G-ddamn presidential ticket.”

And look where we are today.

And now as of 5 AM ET on 7/26/2024 … https://www.politico.com/news/2024/07/26/obamas-endorse-harris-presidential-bid-00171335

If I “know” the true B.H.O. … watch out for an assassination attempt on Kackala! There, I said it!