Fallout begins — So Canada wants to inflict “pain” on American citizens. That’s according to their own Ontario Premier, Doug Ford.

Why, exactly, are we allies with and subsidizing a country that wants to hurt us?

Trump didn’t cause this. He just pulled back the curtain.



Most American citizens are armed to the teeth — if/as the above sentiment spreads — reception to travellers may be affected (best friend status of 100 years destroyed)!  MSM will drive the antagonism — diarrhea prone Premiers will fuel their stories!


Thousands feared dead after powerful earthquake rocks Thailand and Myanmar — toppling buildings and leaving behind hundreds of miles of destruction

Although the extent of death and destruction wasn’t immediately clear, the US Geological Survey (USGS) issued a red alert — estimating that deaths could range between 1,000 and 10,000. “High casualties and extensive damage are probable and the disaster is likely widespread,” the federal agency warned, noting that “past red alerts have required a national or international response.”

At least 144 were quickly confirmed dead in Myanmar – At least 732 were injured in the nation, according to officials. The destruction spread hundreds of miles from the epicenter, including in neighboring Thailand, where an under-construction skyscraper crashed down in the capital Bangkok, killing at least eight people, Thai authorities said.





I have been in them off and on for 30 years

They are adicting

I have pretty much stopped …until lately..back in GDXJ and SILJ

The common theory is they should provide leverage to the gold and Silver price…by multiples of 3 to 5%

And it’s my experience that is true

when PMs drop the Miners are leveraged DOWN…but when PMs rise …NOPE !!!

No Leverage

Now Everyone is calling for a Stock market Wipe out

Gold is relentlessly rising and Silver on the verge of a Big breakout

Which way will PM Stocks GO ?

They are Stocks …thats which way !


RFK Jr. Drops Stunning Vaccine Announcement

HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. just unveiled new reforms that could transform how this country treats vaccine injuries forever.

“We’re incorporating an agency within CDC that is going to specialize in vaccine injuries,” Kennedy announced — a new sub-agency focused entirely on vaccine injuries—a long-overdue shift for patients who’ve spent years searching for answers without any support from the government.

“These are priorities for the American people. More and more people are suffering from these injuries, and we are committed to having gold-standard science make sure that we can figure out what the treatments are and that we can deliver the best treatments possible to the American people.”

For years, the vaccine-injured have felt ignored or dismissed, as public health agencies refused to even acknowledge the problem. Now, there’s finally an initiative underway to investigate their injuries and to provide support.

Kennedy also revealed a series of additional HHS reforms aimed at turning America’s health crisis around:



Trump’s Department of Education just launched a full-fledged INVESTIGATION into the Maine Department of Education for allegedly violating federal law.

The Maine governor is FAFOing big time.

Linda McMahon says they might have violated FERPA by creating “gender plans” to support children’s transgender identity without telling the parents.

“That is UNACCEPTABLE and UNLAWFUL if true.”


1 1/2 minutes

He’s been dead on…

I really like his appreciation of monetary history and how he integrates it into his thesis.  Keep in mind this was posted in early January I believe, when a crash scenario was much less popular.  10-30% correction for the S&P if not worse, was his call, followed by massive stimulus by the second half of the year.  Perhaps this is what silver is sniffing out by its underperformance relative to gold.


European Force In Ukraine Could ‘Respond’ If Attacked By Russia: Macron

He’s calling it “reassurance force”… but more like assurance for WW3.

A ‘coalition of the willing’ is mulling a European army which would be deployed to Ukraine in a ‘peacekeeping’ capacity, except that French President Emmanuel Macron has also admitted these Western forces would be ready to join the conflict if provoked. Most importantly, Macron said Wednesday that a proposed European armed force to enforce a future Ukraine peace deal could “respond” to a Russian attack if Moscow launched one.

Of course, this is precisely why the Kremlin has rejected any plan which calls for NATO country forces to be present in Ukraine. President Putin sent his army into Ukraine in February 2022 as in large part a reaction to constant NATO expansion to Russia’s doorstep.

Given all of this, the prospect of peace doesn’t actually seem close, despite the continued optimistic statements coming from the White House. President Trump has aimed to achieve peace within the some first one hundred days of his presidency, but that’s looking increasingly unrealistic at this point.


Platinum chart….

Weekly chart showing 200 week Bollinger bands (200,2).  Note how tight they are at present.  The indicator at the top is the actual 200 week BB width tracked over time.

Israeli Judicial Independance – FGC (and other Tenters) can you provide an educated synopsis of this battle taking place for the past few years

Israel Parliament Passes Bill Bringing Judicial Appointments Under Political Control

I find it hard to make sense of how this power struggle will impact 1) the ME war effort and 2) US/Israeli relations.

Is it really about judicial independance or is that just a smokescreen for an effective leftist take over of the court system?

Where do the many (US) Israeli .orgs stand? Are they on the same page in support of either Netanyahu or the Courts? (I know where they stand in relation to US legislative influence, voting bloc, DJT’s admin, southern dist of NY, etc. etc.)

Is this  a battle between the Conservatism vs Leftism or War vs anti-war or something else?

One thing I do know, DO NOT TRUST the media State side or coming from Israel.  They specialize in (hidden) agenda narratives.

Thank you.


Could it be that the bullion banks, in their desperation to avoid being overrun by a silver squeeze that was on the verge of exceeding $35 per ounce and breaking out of the box they have kept silver in, are orchestrating the one thing that can DELAY, but not stop the inevitable?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   By crashing stocks and Bitcoin and everything else, they might have temporarily stopped the silver squeeze from really taking hold. Especially, if the selloff accelerates into the close and sets up a “Black Monday” situation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Were that to occur, Silver stackers would be discouraged from their squeeze buying on Monday if silver drops even more. Au contraire mes amis, if that were to occur, stackers should gobble up all the physical ounces they can get their hands on if prices drop sharply on Monday.  Could the bankers be that stupid to provide such an opportunity? We shall see.

7.7 Mandalay

I suspect this is the collapsed high rise (under construction) in BKK.
80 plus workers buried in here.
Mandalay is in central Myanmar, which is quite some distance so this was widely ‘felt’.

h/t disney thai

Not to play prop a stock but

Avino Silver Mines is pounding it’s head on the $2.00 ceiling.

A break above this would be huge, another silver squeeze indicator.



Gold 4hr island top?  Armstrong gave the top 3116-3120 heads up and figures down into May for the fake out buying op.  Margins of gold did increase 8%  . Shall see.

SCOTT JENNINGS DESTROYS CNN PANEL: “I think Republicans aren’t interested in any lectures on accountability in the military after the Biden administration.



It’s a day to celebrate the huge Victory WITHIN the US HEALTH COMMUNITY . RFK JR IS DELIVERING


Secretary Kennedy has obviously been a very busy boy. And he’s clearly no sentimentalist. Astonishingly, NPR ran yesterday’s most accurate HHS headline. To wit: “The Trump administration restructures federal health agencies, cuts 20,000 jobs.” Boom.

Let’s pause a moment. I’d like to speak directly to all the people who, like me, fumed during the pandemic’s deadly bureaucratic excesses. We passionately longed for mass firings at the public health agencies. We wished upon a star that thousands would get pink slips for what they did. But we never allowed ourselves to hope, not really, because it was too much to hope for. Because, honestly, when has anyone in government ever been accountable for anything?

Welp, be of great cheer. Today is our day. It’s finally here! Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., strode into the Department of Health and Human Services like a multi-armed spanking robot set on ‘high.’ Yesterday, HHS announced a total downsizing of 20,000 jobs, reducing headcount from 82,000 to 62,000. Not only that, but Kennedy is slashing the total number of divisions within HHS practically in half, evaporating the health behemoth to 15 divisions from 28 (it had been happily shooting for 30).

It was truly an astonishing comeuppance for the so-called “health” agency, but it was not just that. Secretary Kennedy explained, “We aren’t just reducing bureaucratic sprawl. We are realigning the organization with its core mission and our new priorities in reversing the chronic disease epidemic.” He plans to do more with less. He continued, “This Department will do more –a lot more– at a lower cost to the taxpayer.”

Call me crazy, but reversing the chronic disease epidemic should always have been HHS’s top priority, But that’s because I am a stupid moron who didn’t get into an Ivy League school where I’d have learned that the country’s real problems don’t come from viruses, bacteria, or chemicals. No, if I were a properly thought-trained élite, like they are, I’d understand that the real problems come from people’s ideas and opinions, especially when they cling to their Bibles and guns and believe different stuff from Ivy League professors.

So, i.e., the “real” health epidemic is racism. Not cancer, dummies.

You can imagine how it probably took a lot of meeting, planning, and talking to figure out which 20,000 employees to cut and how to compress 28 sub-agencies down into only 15. Now we know what Kennedy has been doing during his first few weeks in the office. It’s terrific news, and it’s just what many of us prayed for while suffering under the yokes of censorship and being mandated to do patently irrational and downright dumb things.

Seriously, being forced to wear a hospital mask at Publix made us feel like how the North Koreans must feel whenever their porky Dictator-de-jeur orders everybody to clap for an hour straight. Faster! Now do it standing on one leg! Even faster! Now stick your tongues out! Guards! Kill that one! And that one!

Anyway. Dear health agency employees, I am sure some of you are hardworking, honest folks who did your best. But you should have spoken up. Now you face the spanking robot. Bend over.

This segment is running long, so I won’t bother mocking the various “experts” quoted by NPR, who all swore on their Satanic bibles that re-focusing on biological health —as opposed to ideological health— is going to kill everybody. Especially children!!

Allow me to be first to defy the “experts.” I’m predicting this mass reorganization will actually help Make America Healthy Again.

For anyone worried about RFK’s thinking these days, enjoy this interview clip wherein the new HHS Secretary explains that “everything is going to change” related to vaccines:


RFK Jr: “EVERYTHING is gonna change” with CDC vaccine policy

“None of the vaccines that are given during the first 6 months of life have ever been tested for autism—the only one was the DTP vaccine.”

“And that one study that was done, according to the National Academy of Sciences, found that there was a link.”

“They threw out that study because it was based upon CDC’s surveillance system, VAERS, and they said that system is no good.”

“That begs the question, why doesn’t CDC have a functional surveillance system?”

“We’re gonna make sure they do have a functional surveillance system.”

“They don’t do pre-licensing safety testing for vaccine. They’re the only product that’s exempt. So what they say is, if there are injuries, we’ll capture them afterward.”

“But they have a system that doesn’t capture them.”

“In fact, CDC’s own study of its own system said it captures fewer than 1% of vaccine injuries.”

“Why have we gone for 39 years and nobody’s fixed it?”

“We’re gonna fix it.”

“We’re gonna have gold standard science … we’re gonna publish all of our datasets, which CDC has never done.”

“We’re gonna do replication of all our studies, which CDC has never done.”

“We’re gonna publish our peer review, which CDC has never done.”



Housing foreclosures being extinguished

https://x.com/i/status/1902866186737725444 4min

h/t DBC

Extend and Pretend


As you read or view media reports on Trump’s Trade Wars, bear in mind these facts.

Mexico’s GDP is $1.8 trillion a year. Its exports to the United States are $506 billon a year. Exports to the USA make up 28% of its economy.

Exports to Mexico make up less than 2% of our $27.7 trillion GDP.

Canada’s GDP is $2.1 trillion. Its exports to the USA are $413 billion a year. Exports to the USA make up 19% of its economy.

Exports to Canada are less than 2% of our GDP.

Delusional politicians in Canada like Ontario’s Doug Ford are huffing and puffing like a fat man on mile two of a marathon race.

Ford said, “We’re going to make sure that we inflict as much pain as possible to the American people without inflicting pain on the Canadian population


Bitcoin & The Stock Market

It has been quite clear, especially in the last few years, that Bitcoin is a risk on asset. It has traded almost in lockstep (both up and down) with the NASDAQ 100, which is largely reflective of the MAG 7 and high tech stocks in general.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  It is going to be quite interesting to see how Bitcoin fares as the general stock market and the NASDAQ 100 in particular, go thru a brutal bear market decline for the remainder of 2025 and likely part or all of 2026.  Bitcoin has only been around since the beginning of 2009. The stock market  ended it’s last major, brutal bear market in March of 2009. So other than the 2022 correction in the stock market, Bitcoin has only seen stock market bulls for it’s entire history. Even during this 15+ year stock market bull, Bitcoin itself experienced a number of brutal bear market selloffs, but always went on to even higher ATH’s culminating in this January’s top, near 109K.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          As I recently posted, the next leg down for Bitcoin is at hand and once it takes out the recent lows from where the current bounce  began  earlier this month, the decline should accelerate rapidly. This is likely to occur at the same time the stock market also breaks below it’s recent lows. Stocks are in the early stages of a  brutal bear market and Bitcoin is about to experience a whole new reality, as it has never encountered such an environment in it’s brief 16 year history.                                                       

First indigenous nun at Canadian school contradicts anti-Catholic ‘mass grave’ narrative

Sr. Dorothy Bob, an indigenous woman and former Kamloops school student, became a Catholic nun after her time at the school, defying the ‘genocide’ myth. Dorothy Bob joined the Sisters of St. Ann in 1960 in British Columbia. Nothing unusual about that. What isn’t so usual is that she was the first indigenous woman to enter the order of nuns.

There is more, much more. Sr. Bob was also a student and later a cook at the Kamloops Indian Residential School. It was the Kamloops Band that on May 27, 2021, made the claim they had found “the remains of 215 children” at the school. Nearly four years later and several excavations no graves have been found, not one.

Sr. Bob found no conflict in being a nun with her indigenous identity. No colonialism for her. She found no difficulty with the two cultures. It was a source of strength to build the common good. Sadly, this view which happens to be the truth, is not presently acceptable in woke Canada.

It’s time to revisit this sad chapter in Canada’s history and to start being honest with ourselves and the indigenous peoples. Canada will be a much better place if we stop pushing the lie of 215 children murdered and others abused by priests and nuns at the residential school.


Elections Canada pressures social media to censor ‘misinformation’ ahead of April vote

The government agency is collaborating with the likes of TikTok and Meta to control ‘harmful misinformation’ related to the federal election.


Canadian police officer found guilty of misconduct for probing infant deaths following COVID vaccination

Ottawa detective Helen Grus has been found guilty of ‘discreditable conduct’ for investigating a potential link between sudden infant deaths and the COVID vaccine rollout.

An Ottawa police officer has been found guilty of “discreditable conduct” for investigating a rash of sudden infant deaths following the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine.

In a March 25 decision, retired superintendent Christopher Renwick ruled that Ottawa Police Service detective Helen Grus brought “discredit upon the reputation of the Ottawa Police Service” when she investigated a potential link between infant deaths and the COVID shot.

It is worth noting that the experimental COVID vaccines have been linked to a multitude of negative health outcomes, including death, facts which were often ignored or suppressed by governments and legacy media outlets across the world.

Crossfire Hurricane – Part One – Coverup For Iran Nuclear Deal

MSM and alternative missed the motive for Strzok and Crossfire Hurricane

It is time to revisit that topic now that President Donald Trump has declassified the Crossfire Hurricane files, and that’s a good thing, because MSM and alternative media completely missed the key motive for the attack on Trump the first time around.

Crossfire Hurricane was conducted by conspirators of the Iran Nuclear Deal, which provided colossal cash infusion kickbacks to Hillary Clinton to run for President in 2016. the DNC negotiated three $150 Billion payments for itself in the Iran Nuclear Deal, and Trump canceled two of them when he became President. That’s $300 billion’s worth of reasons why Peter Strzok would want to take out Trump.

Everyone forgets that Peter Strzok grew up in Iran speaking Farsi. Lisa Page had a Farsi-speaking mother. Peter Strzok’s father was a CIA Agent in Iran and Africa, and very close to the Shah of Iran. Strzok’s father was very involved in the Iranian nuclear program before the fall of the Shah of Iran, working under the commercial cover of Bell Helicopter in Isfahan.



I hadn’t heard any of this previously………

CoreWeave IPO

Yesterday’s post included a detailed analysis of CRWV from ZH. This IPO and the possibility of it’s failure could be the seminal event in marking the end of the AI, high tech, MAG 7 bubble.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      After being downsized significantly from original plans and estimates, it was priced at $40.  They might be able to orchestrate at least an initial pop, but if it flops later on today and continues lower next week, it not only could end up being cancelled, but would likely coincide with a major leg down in the stock market, taking out this month’s earlier lows.



Trump taking it to civil court to expose them all.



Dream of Californication

Look at what mind virus riddled Democrats did to what was once the best place on Earth.


Fact Checked True – Boycott


Ivermectin now officially an over the counter medication in Arkansas. Texas on deck.


Viva la Visa

The most expensive visa program in the world has become an instant success, highlighting the desire for smart money to seek safety in the United States. Capital and people are flowing into the United States, which, despite its troubles, remains the world’s economic powerhouse and land of opportunity.Over 1,000 Gold Visas were purchased on the first day this policy was implemented, bringing $5 billion into the US economy.


Backwards in Canada where we import the poorest and pay them to hang around. Just like ww1 & 2 where all the offshore money poured in and made the country boom.