Every action by the Canadian and American Federal Governments is meant to pit one group against the other
Whether you like James Lindsay or not, he is getting across the message that we are constantly being divided. For those who have just awakened, it all makes sense. The Cultural Marxist want us to react to each insanity so they can label us “this or that”.
Under this game plan that worked very well for Chairman Mao, he used these activists groups until The Party achieved their goal and then liquidated these people. The Globalist don’t actually believe in Climate Change, Net-Zero,Covid, Birdflu, the Trans Movement, any religion or race. These are tools used to beat down the sane in the world.
The UN Migration Pact floods the West with numbers that overwhelm the infrastructure of the country, gives them more benefits and accommodation than the working poor of that country. Everything is a class struggle.
Under their playbook I wouldn’t be surprised that the Migrants, Trans and Climate Crazies get thrown under the bus once they capture society. They may liquidate gays, the Media as well as Entertainers as there may be an awakening among them. Can’t have that!
It is all about absolute control with all wealth and power in the hands of the ruling elite.
I personally believe they will fail but not before immense damage has been done to our countries.
-Covid is deader than a doorknob unless one is still a zombie Covidian. Birdflu will not take off even as they eliminate flocks in an effort to instill panic and fear. I have not had one person say they would trust a birdflu shot after the lies they have been told.
-Net-Zero is dying under the weight of carbon taxes and the failure of renewables. The youth are disillusioned by the economics of life.
-EV’s may remain a novelty until they make economic sense (hybrids will surpass them for the time being) People are beginning to catch on that it was never about green but eliminating the family car as most can not own an EV by their deadline.
Study the purges in China under Mao.
Been away from civilization, hiking and camping.
One day I spent the day in the Alpine traversing firm snow fields in Sunny 24 C temps only to post hole our way down in the afternoon. It was worth it.
It takes your mind off of all the shit that is going on in the world.
Went with three BC Park Rangers and a friend.
Nothing controversial was raised until I asked them about their plans for the future. They were all recent college grads. What they related was sad. No hope for owning a house, starting a family or even owning a car! What could I say.
We went back to discussing the beauty of the area and the wildflower meadows.
Alcohol, recreational drugs and prescription antidepressant uptake is more widespread than I thought. Appears to be the only way to get through life.
My first thought was to ask shouldn’t they save that money for their future but it was not my place to suggest that.
Your thoughts are on point!
Regarding “Birdflu will not take off even as they eliminate flocks in an effort to instill panic and fear.”
I agree that the injections will not be accepted after COVID – however – starvation caused by the mass culling of chickens, turkeys, cows & pigs may well be a successful byproduct. Hundreds of thousands of animals have already been culled with more to come. This will drive the prices higher for the meat supply that does survive but will also bring death by starvation to developed world nations.
No one is stopping the mass cull (any more than anyone is stopping the chemtrails that EVERYONE sees in the air) — it won’t be until you can’t buy meat that the impact will be felt and by then it’s too late!
Lastly a general comment that while Bird Flu is being positioned as the next plandemic – reminder that — Marburg and Ebola are both also ready to go if TPTB decide to switch. Much more difficult to control the outcome (ie not catch it themselves) but they are options….
Great Post Columbia
You young buddies will have it tough for a decade maybe but …all of us Boomers will be leaving our goodies to this bunch
They will figure out a way to make it all work
The goal of the Globalists is to wipe out the middle class as quickly as possible.
There may not be much left to give the next generation. A Commie move.
Welcome to UBI. You will own nothing and be happy in your 15 min cities.
Edmonton to build ‘cohesive city,’ accommodate two million residents through 15-minute cities
Dr. Jordan Peterson Explains Globalist G40 Cities Agenda