The the Executive Board of the Lee County Republican Party however, refused to allow the resolution to come up for a vote to the full Executive Committee, which would have likely passed the resolution as well.


Louisiana Bill text:

Tenth Amendment Center.com

On March 26, the Senate passed SB133 by a 37-0 vote.

The bill then takes a practical step to limit their impact in the state by barring state and local cooperation with their rules, regulations, and mandates.

“No rule, regulation, fee, tax, policy, or mandate of any kind of the World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum shall be enforced or implemented by the state of Louisiana or any agency, department, board, commission, political subdivision, governmental entity of the state, parish, municipality, or any other political entity.”

WHAT’S NEXT (in Louisiana)

SB133 will move to the House for further consideration. It was referred to the Committee on House and Governmental Affairs where it must get a hearing and pass by a majority vote before moving forward in the legislative process.

Actions such as this need to be adopted throughout the States ASAP.