A study published on the COVID-19 vaccines in the influential Vaccine journal (Raethke et al.) discovered a rate of serious adverse drug reactions of 0.24% for the primary series and 0.26% for boosters, approximating to 1 per 400 people.

Frequency and timing of adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines; A multi-country cohort event monitoring study – https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X24002731?

Umm, that’s not ‘very rare’, or even ‘rare’. It’s common enough to get pretty worried. And again, we still don’t have long-term safety data. Could get worse. And you know what’s rarer? Serious COVID in young and healthy people.

Another article published in a Lancet journal (Thompson) acknowledged that “although the diversion of routine immunisation resources to deliver COVID-19 vaccines saved many lives, we can now appreciate that it did so with mortality trade-offs”.

Excess vaccine-preventable disease mortality due to COVID-19 – https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/article/PIIS2214-109X(24)00046-9/fulltext

Mortality Trade-Offs of COVID-19 Vaccines – https://aditum.org/journals/international-journal-of-medical-case-reports-and-medical-research/article-in-press/1164
