Jeff Childers Details the Story

Speaking of inky government secrets and murky non-declassification, independent reporters and former democrats Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi earned the respect of the American people by famously working with Elon Musk to break the so-called “Twitter files” story, which exposed government manipulation of social media companies to censor Americans and achieve dubious political goals, and which has fueled the generation-defining Missouri v. Biden First Amendment case. This week, Shellenberger claimed to have broken another government-corruption story — a much bigger story — in a series of remarkable Twitter posts.

Useless corporate media is completely silent, which tells us a lot.

Shellenberger’s story involves that binder I reported on two months ago on December 18th, when CNN had just run a bizarre, hastily-written, long-form story about a missing top-secret intelligence binder — missing for almost three years! — blaming it all on Trump. The binder held a classified report about Crossfire Hurricane — the Russian Collusion hoax leading to Trump’s first impeachment — and according to CNN, to “election interference in 2016.” Whatever’s in it, it is a report that the deep state is desperate to bury in the Oceanic Trench as deeply and as soon as it possibly can.

Back in December, I suggested the surprise SWAT raid on Mar-a-Lago by a swarm of federal agents wasn’t actually about trying to find some vague nuclear-secrets records that Trump hadn’t returned to NARA after being asked nicely.

I suggested the raid was instead intended for one reason only: to find that binder. The NARA business was just a carefully staged predicate.

Two days ago, Jesse Waters covered Shellenger’s developing story on Fox

Multiple credible sources say that in the run-up to the 2016 election, the CIA asked foreign intelligence agencies — specifically the “Five-Eyes” group of nations — to spy on a list of 26 Trump campaign members. It was a setup, so that the CIA could cleverly evade U.S. laws against domestic spying. Specifically, the CIA asked the other governments’ spooks to try to develop relationships and interactions — called “bumping them” in the spook business — with each of the 26 Trump officials. That gave the FBI a legal predicate to “monitor” the 26 Trump campaign members, since they were interacting with covert foreign intelligence agents, which brought the Trump team within FISA and allowed Obama’s DOJ to wiretap and spy on them.

In the clip, Shellenberger also confirmed he now believes what I speculated about two months ago, which is that the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago to find the missing Crossfire Hurricane Binder, not because the binder implicates President Trump in any crime, but because it implicates U.S. intelligence agencies and agents in crimes. What kinds of crimes? Fantastically awful crimes. The worst imaginable political crimes. Crimes that, if proved, would make Benedict Arnold look like a patriotic, flag-waving nationalist.

I kind of like the way Lara Logan put it. She said it would “dwarf Watergate and every other scandal — combined”:

If anything, that understates the case. Then yesterday, more information emerged. Fox’s Jesse Watters followed up with another segment, this time interviewing Matt Taibbi, which was twice as long as the first one.

In yesterday’s clip, Watters reported that Taibbi and Shellenberger claim to have evidence that Joe Biden has been coordinating all the Trump criminal cases as part of the Crossfire Hurricane coverup. I don’t need to tell you how that could affect the Trump prosecutions.

This is all still developing and fascinating and incomprehensible and the implications are staggering if not completely mind-boggling.

I’ll say this about the timing. It does not look accidental. As far as I can tell, as a close media observer, CNN got wind that the story was going to break and tried to get ahead of it in December. Then, as the 2024 election season got underway, the story began breaking, and now in early February, it is breaking into the open.

Remember, the binder went missing when Trump left office. It’s possible it just took this long to percolate into the public domain, but I doubt it.

It looks to me like we are watching a long-planned release. A release of evidence of crimes that will make all previous political offenses look like peccadillos. What appears to be rising to the surface of DC’s septic tank is a crime so big that, if not definitively addressed somehow, will shatter the Republic.

I think things are about to get much more interesting, which is saying a lot, since we’re talking about 2024.

If this is Trump’s plan to deep-six the Deep State, he’d better hustle.