Goldtent supporter Mike sent this in an email

I have been very interested and excited about the RFK Jr. announced candidacy and was even considering changing my voting registration to Democrat just to vote for him in the primary. I actually met him about 3 years ago at a luncheon for the Austin, Texas vaccine awareness group and found him to be very sincere, humble and genuine. I think, however that it might be worth another look and based on this tweet I discovered (which IMO should be shared far and wide), he may not be exactly what he seems to be. I believe his sincerity on the vaccine activism but that may be the only true point of agreement. Please look at this thread and let me know what your thoughts are. Also, I think it would be valuable to put it to the Goldtent community to give them a little more perspective on past statements and where his ideologies really lie. .

Thanks again for all you do for us die hard tenters, Mike J.


My answer : My Impression of RFK Jr. is that he IS as you say very sincere, humble and genuine.

However he is a Classic Liberal and therefore many of his core beliefs and policies will clash with Most Here as we are NOT mostly Classic Liberals but Classic Conservatives.

However on some CORE issues we agree . He is much more closely aligned with Us than brandon and Co. obviously

1…Medical Freedom . Bodily Autonomy…Freedom from the WHO etc

2…Pfizer et al are EVIL to the core.

3…Corporatism in Government is destroying the nation

4…American Hegimony and Colonialism and Neocon lead Wars must end .

I think he will weaken Brandon ..split the Dems and Help Trump get re-elected

But thanks a ton for this video

Some surprising alliances and clips there !!
