From Alex Berenson’s Twitter feed

What happens in Israel happens everywhere else a few months later.  Think of Israel as a leading indicator in this bear market for the human race.

I don’t know what source he’s using but I saw a video that said you’ve got like six months to live after the 2nd dose and if you get a third it’s a matter of days.  Looks like that is about to be confirmed.  Also, Israelis have been told their vaccine passport is only valid for 6 months after their second shot.  Of course, maybe you won’t need it by then.

Update: data from Times of Israel article.  Thanks to Columbia for pointing it out.

This is the full context:

“According to the data, just 0.2% of the first 1.1 million Israelis who got their booster dose have been diagnosed with COVID-19 after at least seven days passed since the shot.

In absolute terms, the number of virus carriers [ie. C19 cases] who received their third dose is 2,790. Of them, just 187 (0.01%) were hospitalized and 88 (0.008%) developed serious symptoms. Fewer than 15 of them have died, with the report offering no exact number.”

So, out of 1.1 million “3-dosers” 15 have died over 3 weeks.  3rd shot rollout started Aug 1 but only for under 40 year olds for a week.  Death rate of .001%, not .5%.

Anyhow, I’ll bet the 3rd shot is a much bigger killer because of the graphene oxide in it.  The mRna vaccine is just a cover in my opinion.  But this has yet to be seen.