That is the famous quote by Milton Friedman. Don’t let the nonsense about inflation being transitory because of distortions created by Covid shutdowns, supply chain issues, etc. etc. etc. Unless and until you actually SEE the FED act, not talk about acting, inflation is going to continue and accelerate because the money creation continues, it is as simple as that. We are not getting a second coming of Paul Voelker. We are not going to see Jay Powell or any possible replacement raise interest rates. At best they will announce a disingenuous taper of either $5 billion a month for 24 months or more likely $10 billion a month for 12 months, with the dangling of possible future interest rate hikes after that is completed. That means inflation is going to continue at significantly high levels for another year or two! The recent gold and silver takedown was just the latest gift buying opportunity to convert rapidly declinning fiat into real money and protection of one’s purchasing power. Got Gold and Silver!