“A vaccination requirement to attend a Papal Mass is unprecedented, and defies the Code of Canon Law.”


The announcement of the vaccine requirement for attendance at a Papal Mass is not only unprecedented, it contravenes the Catholic Church’s Code of Canon Law.

Denial of attendance at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is a violation of Canon 843 of the Code of Canon Law, which states that “Sacred ministers cannot deny the sacraments to those who seek them at appropriate times, are properly disposed, and are not prohibited by law from receiving them.”

“The currently available coronavirus vaccines used material from aborted babies in various stages of development, as many vaccines and medicines do, leading many pro-lifers to conscientiously object to taking them. In addition to pro-lifers who aren’t taking the vaccine because of its connection to abortion, pregnant women worried about miscarriage or birth defects from the vaccine will also be barred from the Papal Mass, as will people who are allergic to ingredients in the vaccine, have a medical condition that prevents them from being eligible for vaccination, or had a dangerous reaction to the first vaccine dose. “