If The Pattern (Cycle) Plays Out
The dollar is …
I’ve done some more work on the dollar chart I posted yesterday. I’m a weather forecaster. I’m used to pattern recognition and spotting cyclical behaviour. Every living thing on our planet displays predictable cycles, and that extends to systems that have been created by us i.e. artificial systems as opposed to natural ones. I’m not saying it’s impossible for a cycle to break. Of course it’s not – a system can become chaotic and collapse, but until then, it has a discernible rhythm, if you care to look.
I know some may laugh at the following chart, but I’m going to stick my neck out and say that the dollar will bottom somewhere in the 60-65 region in 2023. I would expect gold to peak 2-3 years after that, as it has in the past. This is a forecast based on current data, using the past as a guide. Any forecast looking this far ahead is going to be subject to an element of uncertainty and future revisions. Nevertheless, this remains my best guidance at present. Please accept it as it’s intended, not an arrogant, guaranteed prediction, just my honest, considered opinion.
Fun. cool chart. thanks for sharing this possible scenario.
It’s certainly possible that by 2036 the DM is much more powerful than the US dollar, especially after the US has split in two.
Will keep for future reference.
Thanks CT 🙂
Beautiful Chart Northstar…cant argue with that
The difficult part is this means the Euro will soar
Only way that can happen is if it is re constructed …ie the deadbeat countries are expelled or willingly drop out.
Or US civil war. (We’ve only had 1 here so due for a second.)
Or all currencies rise against gold but dollar rises more slowly.
Or all currencies fall against gold but US falls more quickly.
I bet there are more scenarios too.
That is probably true Fully. At this point I’m just looking at the chartology. The fundamentals (and politics) are very complex indeed. The chart is possibly trying to tell us something.