A temporary leave
Dear Fellow tenters: I am grateful for this forum; not only has it been a source of camaraderie and solidarity in these crazy times of lib-tard ideological domination, but I’ve also learned tons of things that I’d never get from the main stream media.
I am thankful to FGC for putting it all together and keeping it (and us) going.
But I think I have to take a complete break for….I don’t know, a month? I do post semi-regularly, so if anyone wonders why they’re not hearing from me, here’s what’s up: the incessant stress of what’s happening, and has been happening since 2020, is taking its toll on my mind, and now my body. It was the Elizabeth Nickson article this morning that was the nail in the coffin. It’s just become too hard to be joyful about all the “wins” that the US is getting, but simultaneously knowing that we (Canada) are truly fucked (according to her) and there’s no way out of it. It’s too hard to listen to people exclaiming that they left years ago and are sorry for us suckers up here.
I will be back. But right now I’m at the breaking point and have to step away.
Carry on, comrades. thanks for being there for each other
Sorry to hear you are in this state GMG
I think you are doing the right thing though
Clear the mind and soul
We will miss your rants
Personally I didnt read that article because I knew it would be demoralizing
We are going to prevail…There are and will be hard times but we will overcome
IF the USA is getting it’s act together and healing …however tumultuous that will be…WE will not be far behind one way or another
The word we have adopted for such a time is…Godspeed
One of my favourite mottos comes from a line in a delightful movie comedy “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.”
The setting is a hotel in India, where a group of not so well to do senior Brits hoping to stretch their meager income, opt to retire. But for the retires, “The best-laid schemes o’ mice an ‘men Gang aft agley.”
The motto, oft spoken by the young innkeeper is –
“Everything will be alright in the end. If everything is not alright, then it is not yet the end.”
Can’t find the movie for you, but here is a movie trailer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roDQowqG3cE
And remember – Everything will be alright in the end.
“The motto, oft spoken by the young innkeeper is –
“Everything will be alright in the end. If everything is not alright, then it is not yet the end.”
Great line and philosophy. I did see the movie a couple years back but forgot that line. Thanks for reminding us.
Enjoyed your posts as well, take good care and enjoy the forest, try random and throw a dart at a map and go for it,
Aussie Digger and I have recognized that it is very dangerous to lead a person down the Rabbit Hole of truth especially for those who saw nothing wrong with the past four years. It can destroy them mentally. They need to arrive at the point of questioning on their terms, not on ours.
In the case of GMG, she was aware from day one and it has been difficult for her to watch the destruction of our country.
We are at war against the WEF and the all the Globalist organizations that have captured Western Governments.
Trump is not perfect, he is polarizing and hated by the “Normies”. The “Normies” thought everything was Hunky Dory in their propagandized minds. They are being forced down the Rabbit Hole all at once. It will not end well for their mental state. It must be like we felt during Covid but they do not have the vast army of intelligent persons who fought on our side and carried us to where we are now.
In this war, we have to have total capitulation of their insane ways or they will reassert themselves at every opportunity.
I liken Trump to the Allies landing on D-Day. To liberate France and the Low Countries they had to destroy much of what was in the way.
The French suffered but were better off once liberated. I see the same with Canada. We should come through this better than before.
The goal is to protect yourself while we are being liberated.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you GMG.
Take time to be kind to yourself and simply enjoy the blessings that are within your grasp!
I look forward to your return to the tent, whenever that might be!
You will be missed!