We haven’t seen the tit for tat retaliatory Tariffs details yet. I will continue to make my cross-border shopping trips to stock up on items we can’t buy here for various reasons. Lines at the border will likely thin out soon.

Trump is dismantling decades of insanity in the span of weeks. My thoughts are that he wants Canada to do the same. No one wants a crazy neighbour next door. The only method he has is what we are seeing now.

I welcome good changes. Will it hurt Canada? Sure. Will the US feel some pain back? Sure.
Imagine if Canada is forced to dismantle our bureaucracy at all levels. We would be more efficient and get things done.

There are industries in both countries that can’t survive without massive subsidies. That is why trade between countries is necessary. Only protect industries that are deemed of strategic interest.

I would prefer to have Canada remain sovereign unless it slips into Communism via the Globalists. Multiculturalism has destroyed many Western Nations. The 2015 UN Migration pact was never about assimilation or the melting pot of the past but the destruction of Western Civilization.

The short-term pain may not appear to be good but if we come out the other side intact without all the insane policies we have experienced for decades by both parties, I say let the games begin.

Canadians can protect their purchasing power by moving a percentage of their wealth to Au and Ag. Realizing that the value will fluctuate as the paper games die. You can ride it out. Unemployment could rise from here and I understand the threat to many protected jobs.