Ok let me get this straight… President Trump says the Blackhawk helicopter was flying way too high and implies it was intentional
The video shows it head straight towards the passenger airplane
The military won’t release the female pilot’s name
What are we supposed to make of this?
Trump has access to the highest levels of intel and he’s posting thing like this
Lots of speculation — military surely knows by now — no use pointing fingers until they tell us what they know!
Did the helicopter originate from Langley(CIA)? Weren’t there Russian atheletes on plane? Spooks sending message re ending the war?
I read Russian-American athletes. (now naturalized US citizens)
Have we heard the helicopter’s reply (audio), which was on a different channel than traffic control? Was that voice male or female? Was the pilot male or female?
Two of the crew were not piloting. Did they NOT see the problem either? Would NVG block their view of the CRJ’s lights?
Reports of prior near misses? Corroborated? Which flights?
There were two reports issued immediately after the crash;
1) this particular Blackhawk did not have a normal black box installed to capturing instrumentation readings and voice communications.
2) That the military is developing autonomous flight (ie no pilot) with the first test flight having been completed in late November 2024 in the Washington DC corridor.
Rumour #2 WAS subsequently confirmed via pre-accident legacy media articles.
Rumour #1 is unconfirmed (AND seems unlikely as these were practice/test flights so it would be logical that they were capturing data for later review)
I wasn’t going to post this link (of course as PV is largely based on rumor), but given your comment Kewl2, here it is. Still in the FWIW category but the dots are starting to assemble.