University Health Network announced that all visitors to its four Toronto hospitals and other facilities must be masked when ‘receiving or waiting for care’ and ‘in areas where many patients may be at a higher risk of illness.’ The mandate may not be rescinded until at least February.

UHN is Canada’s No. 1 hospital and the world’s No. 1 publicly funded hospital. With 10 sites and more than 20,000 members of TeamUHN, UHN consists of Toronto General Hospital, Toronto Western Hospital, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, The Michener Institute of Education at UHN and West Park Healthcare Centre. As Canada’s top research hospital, the scope of research and complexity of cases at UHN have made it a national and international source for discovery, education and patient care.


If doctors DO NOT go along with whatever their associations dictate than they WILL lose their licenses as per guidelines enhanced after the  COVID-19 fiasco. This despite peer reviewed studies from top worldwide scientists that confirmed “masking” physically harms the user! Many studies were posted for review at the tent.