Looks like Jeff Childers is becoming a Q Convert …WOW

It was a shocking story that must surely make QAnon followers believe their long-awaited ‘storm’ is finally arriving. First, last month the DOJ arrested and charged rap mogul P. Diddy for misconduct related to sex crimes too numerous and too awful to describe. Then yesterday, NBC ran an explosive story headlined, “Former Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Mike Jeffries arrested on sex trafficking charges.”

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You may never have heard of him. The short version is that Jeffries, now 80, used to head the ‘edgy’ (i.e., gay) fashion line Abercrombie with its chain of international retail stores featuring partially undressed male sales staff. His story is predictably nauseous. Jeffries is accused of tricking young men by offering them modeling opportunities, drugging them, and forcing them into horrible elite sex parties.

Jeffries was charged with sex trafficking and interstate prostitution.

You absolutely cannot make this stuff up. It gets weirder. Jeffries’ story also features multiple Epstein connections.

The first connection was that Mr. Jeffries was originally hired to run Abercrombie (and its secret sex trade) by a billionaire named Lex Wexner. Wexner bought the fashion firm in 1988 and installed Jeffries at the helm a few years later, in 1992. Jeffries remained CEO until he retired in 2014. (Wexner also bought Victoria’s Secret in 1982.)

Wexner also happened to be Jeffrey Epstein’s first funder. After Epstein hung up his job teaching high school gym, Wexner became Epstein’s biggest “financial management” client, and remained his most influential connection for most of the notorious pedophile’s career. You could say that Les Wexner was the polluted spring from which the grotesque Epstein revolution first flowed.

Les Wexner, Jeffrey Epstein, Mike Jeffries.

If Epstein ran the honeypot for politicians, billionaires, and celebrities who liked girls, Jeffries ran the matching operation for elites who liked boys. (We have no evidence of a Jeffries’ blackmail component, not yet. But it seems obvious one will appear.) Rapper Diddy may have run the same scheme, but targeting the gullible Nouveau elite, who might not easily rub elbows with billionaires and British royalty.

A second odd Epstein connection is that Mr. Jeffries was bonded out yesterday by U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce E. Reinhart. Magistrate Reinhart worked at the DOJ’s South Florida Attorney General’s office until he quit to represent Jeffrey Epstein against his 2006 charges. After that, Reinhart scored a Magistrate judgeship. (Curiously, Reinhart was the magistrate judge who approved the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago search warrant.)

I find nothing with which to quibble over how Reinhart handled Jeffries’ bond hearing. Reinhart ordered a $10 million bond, forbade travel, and required Jeffries to surrender his passport and wear an ankle bracelet, which all sounds right to me.

That’s a lot to think about. But here’s the galactically big question: Is it possible we are witnessing a historic, magnificent, multifaceted law enforcement operation slowly and carefully rolling up the vast Jeffrey Epstein criminal enterprise?

It is sure starting to look that way.