Progressive icon Gavin Newsom won’t be advertising his daddy’s holidays in Europe with a Nazi SS officer who reportedly oversaw the Jewish extermination program for the Reich, and neither will the corporate state media ever bring it up.

RFK Jr. gets accused of using secret Nazi codes on Twitter with no evidence; Gavin Newsom skates with ne’er a mention of his father’s sordid business past.

William Newsom, Gavin’s father, partnered with a Nazi SS officer named Otto von Bolschwing, credited with crafting the Third Reich’s policy on the Jews, writing in 1937:

“A largely anti-Jewish atmosphere must be created among the people in order to form the basis for the continued attack and the effective exclusion of them…The most effective means of depriving the Jews of their sense of security is the wrath of the people that expresses itself in riots. Even though this method is illegal, it has, as shown by the ‘Kurfürstendamm Riot’, had a longstanding effect[.] The Jew…fears nothing so much as a hostile atmosphere which can spontaneously go against him at any time.”

The CIA, as it did for many Nazis, ushered von Bolschwing out of Germany after the Reich collapsed to set up a comfortable new life in the United States — working for the Gettys.