Speaking of roaches, yesterday the Washington Post ran a baffling story headlined, “Fauci hospitalized with West Nile virus, now recovering at home.” And right after recovering from his third case of covid! Perplexing! Mystifying! I really could not make this stuff up.

According to a spokesman, retired biowarfare expert and human cockroach Anthony S. Fauci, 83, has slithered out of a six-day hospitalization for an ultra-rare West Nile Virus infection. He’s doing fine.

Who among us hasn’t experienced an accident in our home bioweapons lab? But nevermind, that’s pure speculation. CNN reported Fauci thinks he “probably” caught the disease from a mosquito in his D.C. backyard. Out back of the lab.

CNN’s TV doctor said 80% of people who get West Nile have no symptoms. Another 20% get a rash, fever, and a headache. A super tiny sliver get a more serious “neuro-invasive” version, which CNN’s expert said put Fauci in the hospital. (Presumably not on the ventilator.)

CNN’s expert’s data was a little outdated. As of this morning, the CDC reported two-thirds of West Nile infectees in 2024 got the more serious “neuroinvasive” type:

Still, Fauci won the West Nile lottery, catching one of only 142 cases in the whole country. Not only that, but D.C. was not even listed among the 33 reporting states for 2024. I guess they haven’t added Fauci’s case to the database yet. Anyway, Fauci’s was the first case to appear in D.C. this year.

Fauci is no advertisement for the safe and effective vaccines. Earlier this month, Fauci said he’d recovered from his third covid infection after six shots:

I guess “doctor” Fauci hadn’t gotten his annual flu/covid combo shot yet. Still, it could have been worse.

Coincidentally, and I hate to even mention it, but in 2015, Fauci’s NIAID-run started clinical trials for a West Nile Vaccine. It didn’t work, apparently. There’s currently no vaccine or treatment for West Nile.

Fauci’s agency was just experimenting with West Nile. Now sextuple-jabbed Fauci has it. I mean, seriously, what are the odds?

It’s telling that Fauci’s rare West Nile hospitalization was newsworthy. No disrespect, but why should anyone care about the former face of covid catching an unrelated, non-serious, rare illness? They don’t headline the other West Nile hospitalizations. And what about Fauci’s privacy?

There’s an unstated premise, an unspoken narrative, bobbing just below the surface of the many articles on Fauci’s West Nile infection. They are hinting at something. How badly damaged must someone’s immune system be, to catch ultra-rare infections from mosquito bites?

If you’d have asked me, I’d have bet Fauci got the saline. But maybe he did take the shots, after al