“The theme of the 2024 conference is titled “Reassessing the Effectiveness and Transmission of Monetary Policy,” and could provide further clues on the magnitude of policy easing with the next cycle that’s slated to start in September.”

Why would there be a need to reassess the effectiveness and transmission of monetary policy? One might do so if you felt it wasn’t working the way it is suppose to, or one felt it was in need of a change or to utilize new technology or methods? Going under the premise of “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” There must be something coming from the FED that is new or unexpected.

Is it a preemptive larger cut because the economy is slowing and traditionally monetary policy changes take 12-18 months to effect the economy? Are they looking to lay the groundwork for a CBDC because they want people to believe the current system isn’t working?

I don’t know, but why make the theme “reassessing” if there isn’t the need for change? Could they be laying the ground work for a coming gold reevaluation? We will know in a little more than two hours. Just more blah, blah, blah from Powell, or something new and exciting?