HA ! We all KNOW the Unemployment rate is Beyond BULLSHIT …But how come none of the Government Sponsored Pollsters ever do a survey to check the BLS “math” …um…because they are Government sponsored duh

Well Rassmussen is NOT Government sponsored…it’s People Sponsored ( I have a subscription )

And THEY DO a survey ….with simple questions and iron clad answers !

this was 3 weeks ago…will be updated soon

Is there a more important “Fact Check ” than THIS ?


Friday, August 02, 2024

National unemployment was 8.4% in this month’s Rasmussen Reports Real Unemployment update, up from 7.9% last month and starkly different from the 4.3% officially reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics today.

The Rasmussen Real Unemployment rate is derived by asking American Adults who they work for. Those who respond “unemployed, but looking for work” are aggregated at the end of the month and weighted to match the nation’s demographic profile.

The survey of 8,905 American Adults was conducted July 1-31, 2024 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 1 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

Americans between the ages 18 and 39 are, by far, the most unemployed, at 14.3%, down slightly from last month. Six percent (6%) of Americans aged 40-64 identify as unemployed, as do 1% of Americans over 65.

By age and gender, women under 40 are most unemployed, with a 18% rate. Men over 40 are least unemployed, at only 4%.

In addition to the unemployed, 10% of Americans identify as “not in the workforce,” bringing the combined total of not retired, but not working, Americans to 18.1%