“The Towers didn’t burn up, nor did they slam to the ground. They turned (mostly) to dust in mid air.” – Dr Judy Wood

Here, it is worth pausing and reminding ourselves how difficult unravelling this false flag has been for those seeking the truth. It has been compared to taking five different 10,000-piece jigsaws, mixing the pieces up, throwing them on the floor, putting all the pieces face down and then saying, “solve that.” And just for good measure, numerous pieces of disinformation have been added to ensure arguments over whether, in fact, a particular piece is even part of any one of the puzzles or should be discarded. All this, whilst a multitude of complicit (and non-complicit) people stand on the sidelines and ridicule you for trying to make sense of it all.

If you listen to the evidence carefully enough, it will speak to you and tell you exactly what happened. If you don’t know what happened, keep listening until you do. The evidence always tells the truth. The key is not to allow yourself to be distracted away from seeing what the evidence is telling you. “Empirical evidence is the truth that theory must mimic” Thank you for having the courage to look at the evidence. — Dr. Judy Wood



A reader comment: This article  is well done. It is long but for those seeking truth it is well worth the time spent. Dr. Wood is probably one of the most qualified experts to perform this research and she spent years compiling this information. She is not trying to find out who did it or why but only to explore what actually took down those buildings. Karen Bracken