All of us critical thinkers quickly realised it was a coup.

We were laughed at and ridiculed by shallow minded individuals and those with TDS. It was a conspiracy they all yelled.

The question, though, was twofold.

Who, Why, When, Where, What, How.

Secondly, how can those involved be brought to justice? You are talking about tens of thousands of individuals across the US.

And it wasn’t just stacking the numbers for internal power, as this was an international operation, perpetrated by the cabal and deep state.


I’ve been following this RealRobert account on X. There are lots of hard numbers across multiple states.

“And here is, Freedom of Information Act: CONFIRMS “It was a coup.” it was an interagency effort that overthrew the United States government on Nov 3, 2020. [FOIA] “We use their own emails, their own documents, their own texts. THEY INCRIMINATE ALL OF THEM.” And William fucken Barr was at the center of it all, “I can say with experience, that prison will come out of it. Eventually, they will go to prison. This is not something that’s going to be able to be swept aside.” And starts with Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, a formal criminal charges have been filed for obstructing and colluding in the fraud to overthrow the U.S. government.”

Of course, we are yet to understand how we have been screwed in Canada and Australia.

So, moving on to the theme of foreign intervention in the US election. It is pointing ever more to the cabal or Khazarian Mafia, who portray themselves as Jews.

Trumps EO 13848.

“I, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.”

The United States Congress confirms that Thomas Massie’s wife “died suddenly.” Massie has been very vocal about his positions, which include: – Ending the Federal Reserve – Stopping vaccine mandates – Ending foreign influence from AIPAC No reason has been made available for the cause of her death.

And then we have.

President John F. Kennedy and US Attorney General Bobby Kennedy forced the American Zionist Counsel to register as a foreign agent, blocking them from donating to US officials. JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963. RFK was assassinated on June 5, 1968. AIPAC replaced the American Zionist Counsel without any opposition. Letter signed by Donald Rumsfeld. No textbooks will teach your children this part of history.
