IMPORTANT ADDED UPDATE — From the 2nd Interview with Professor Murakam (towards end of the interview)

  1. A pilot program on Self-Amplifying, Self-Spreading mRNA has already injected +4,000 Japanese citizens
  2. The full roll-out of the sa-mRNA program to ALL Japanese citizens is scheduled for October 2024
  3. 99% of Japanese are NOT aware that mRNA injection do NOT prevent infection or transmission of COVID
  4. Japan has the same issue as other countries in that the MSM is only reporting the officially approved narrative (opposite of reality per Professor Murakam).

Disturbing new information from Michael Yon — Gain of Function enhanced SELF-AMPLIFYING mRNA injections (ie: replicating) are to be injected into recipients on June 14th and 21th at a stadium in Yokohama Japan –> a new term “Replicons” will be used to describe those who take the shot, replicate the spike shedding and cause massive infection in other people who they come into contact with. 

He explains what he has discovered from scientists in Japan, outlines details of the test and answers various question in this interview with Jim Ferguson of the UK.

NOTE: It is unknown how many will be injected (possibly capped at 100/day) or how great the impact will be (if any) of the engineered spike shedding of sa-mRNA that is specifically designed to infect those that come into close contact with the inoculated. This is a new drug delivery system being tested.

51 minutes


Professor Murakam from Japan about the mRNA injections … interviewed by WillDoFreedom

35 minutes

NOTE: This is the interview with the Japanese scientist referenced in the 1st interview above.

Dr. Murakam was previously introduced to the tent here –>


Reminder –>


Related Article from 12/23/2023 –> Are Self-Amplifying mRNA “Vaccines” Next-Generation Bioweapons?