OH COME ON!!!!  Can it get any worse? This is the latest I have seen. Pfizer and Moderna vaccines reportedly contain large amounts of something called SV40 which is a cancer promoter when injected into subjects. A secondary discovery by a team of researchers named Professor Murakami & Kevin McKernan have discovered there is also genetic insertions in the vaccines that would result in antibiotic resistance.

Some subjects who received those shots would therefore not respond properly to a selection of broad spectrum antibiotics when  needed. You will need to hear it all for yourself as it gets a little technical. But if true it may explain why the vaccinated are sick so often and presenting in emergency rooms with persistant illnesses that seem incurable.

It is a horror on so many levels. Given the persistence of spike protein production in the body after getting jabbed it means there might never be a way to recover as the mRNA keeps defeating our bodies God given natural immune systems while leaving us open to infections that cannot be treated conventionally. Its a sad day for humanity and even sadder for those who keep getting boosted. Imagine a world where antibiotics don’t work anymore. That may be where we are heading if any of this is true. A real Dark Ages ending for all of us….


Here is a second related video if you want to hear more details:
