the Dems approach RFK jr with a proposal.

Lay off the Vaccine shit and let us fix it ourselves with new messaging OR else.  They would then throw Brandon, Fauci and others under the bus and move on.    This could be a rebranding of the Democratic party.

Start praising him as the new JFK.  He has a loyal following and is on board with many policies that reflect the WEF and Climate Scam whether he does it intentionally or not.  He is a celebrity through his Family name and the Dems could use that at rallies to counter Trump.

A rebranding mid race.

Possibly the damage has already been done to the maximum number of people.   It’s the long-term effects that we are about to discover.    Big Pharma will make money either way with new shots, treatments, etc in the Sick Care model.   Those disabled will be forced onto UBI (control). Maybe the Dems will throw  the old Big Pharma  under the bus and create “new” compassionate ethical” companies that are here to help.  Yikes!   As it is now, if you are on medication, it is likely that you are taking on average 4 prescription medications.  Over 60 and the number may be higher.  We have to remember that all the free stuff we give to the people is theoretically paid by the Government (Taxpayer, debt) and is a wealth transfer to special interest groups.    ie Big Pharma, MIC,  Renewables

Were the shots both a compliance and control mechanism that has  allowed the WHO to become all powerful as in One Health/One World Government.  Knowing that the WHO will not sleep until they get their way.  The door has been opened and has not been closed.

This is just a wild shot in the dark.

I still believe Trump will win and there will be a turn around but just trying to outguess how the Dems will do damage control as they are losing the narrative and Brandon is losing his grey matter in real time before our eyes.

Any thoughts?