Icons are created when the regime in power defines outlaws, while the injustice within the definition makes them heroes to the public. President Trump went from being the greatest political influence in modern history to being a countercultural icon as soon as the jury reached their biased and manipulated decision.

It is with this context in mind we now watch the political evolution of Donald Trump continue. Do not underestimate the scale of this move.

The theme of MAGA Trump now goes from diplomatically -albeit forcefully- directing public attention via a finger pointed toward the corruption, to angrily pointing his middle finger of “f**k you” specifically at the corrupt officials.

Yes, an unrestrained icon is born! This is the moment when The Big Ugly potential has its greatest value.

At this juncture, the self-restraint, retained niceties and mannerisms of polite familiarity change. The target accepts the polite plea for decency is futile and accepts, no, embraces their outlaw status. Things change quickly.

The entire DC system is aligned against the social media platform TikTok; however, there is a cultural dynamic at play in the background within the user demographic. Additionally, TikTok is arguably the only widely used social media platform that is not directly influenced by and controlled by the Dept of Homeland Security and USA intelligence apparatus. That reality is likely why Washington DC hates it.
