The 77th World Health Assembly HAS adopted a substantial package of amendments to the International Health Regulations. We the People have suffered a stunning defeat. The battle continues.


Editor Added (In the interest of balanced reporting )

From Meryl Nass …the worlds foremost expert on the WHO Treaty and Amendments

Some people worry that the IHR amendments passed. DON’T. This list of the bullets we just dodged should make the result clear. CELEBRATE!

Below is a list of the major bullets we just dodged that were REMOVED from the IHR amendments +/- the pandemic treaty:

The “pathogen access and benefit sharing system,” the biowarfare agent lending library–gone.

One Health–gone.

Medical mandates–gone.

Digital vaccine passports (aka digital IDs)–gone.

Blank check to WHO–gone.

Removal of human rights–gone.

Ability to call emergencies other than health, like climate–gone.

Ability to restrict drugs, move meds from country to country, require vaccinations–gone

Ability to order countries to pass laws demanded by WHO–gone

Demand to roll out untested, unlicensed vaccines–gone

Demand to give liability shields to unlicensed vaccines and drugs–gone

Ability to commandeer products—gone

THIS WAS A HUGE WIN. The globalists got essentially nothing that was important to them. They will keep trying. We will keep stopping them. The meeting just ended. The Pandemic Treaty is to be negotiated for another year. So we can’t let up but we won the first round.