do the opposite of what the MSM and the Deep State (Forever Bureaucrats) demand of you.

The past few years has shown us that Net Zero, Covid, the Ukraine War are the opposite of what we have been spoon fed.  They were staged for a reason and it’s not in humanity’s  favour.

Now it is Trump.  Is he perfect, no, but they hate him as he will throw a wrench in their plans.   Again this could be a well orchestrated psy-op of divide and conquer and then we are f**ked either way.

It has been very painful to watch a prosperous country like Canada being purposely run into the ground.  I  live for the day when BC votes out the NDP and welcomes in the BC Conservatives.   Same as voting out The Turd and his merry band of WEFers.  Huge changes will take place.  Similar to what Danielle Smith has done for Alberta.

Both provinces are resource rich,  are operating way under their potential and have the technology to lessen the effects of resource extraction on the environment if allowed to flourish.  We have involved the Indigenous peoples more recently and it appears many projects have their blessing as long as they are treated fairly where we do not pollute the environment.  They are Canadians as well.

The tide has turned and I think that many people are in a holding pattern waiting for the ballot box.