DOH has let us down, has refused to admit that people are dying, turning a blind eye to the people who are getting sick, turbo cancers, myocarditis, children who are suddenly sick as if they are 60-70

As “developed” countries around the world continue to whitewash their official COVID inquiries and deny the obvious relationship between “vaccination” and increased mortality, I wonder what they will do when (not if) another country finally admits the truth. Philippines seems top be a front runner at this moment. – Joel Smalley

An explosive hearing unfolded at the Philippines’ House of Representatives, focusing on the concerning increase of over 290,000 excess deaths. As people start to connect the dots to the roll-out of experimental vaccines, heated discussions ensued, revealing shocking testimonies and data.


Fauci makes mind blowing admissions in closed door congressional testimony. Monster thread has all details. So many coverups. Lab leak and gain of function lies.