It should come as no surprise that the relationship between some Palestinian activist groups and global Marxist networks, like Black Lives Matter, are cut from the same radical cloth, with the end goal of destroying the West.

Remember, last month, during the campus chaos, under the guise of defending Palestine, many of these protesters called for ‘revolution’ against the West. Or, as one professional protester said: “A socialist reconstruction of the USA.”

the latest incident comes from the UK, where the group “Palestine Action” claimed they had severed fiber optic cables at the factory of defense firm Leonardo, the maker of targeting systems for Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II.

Leonardo and local government officials have not confirmed the severing of telecommunication cables at its factory. If confirmed, this would be problematic for the West as the world fractures into a multipolar state, with elevated risks of broadening conflict worldwide. America’s enemies are laughing as failed Western officials allow these groups to run unchecked. In the US, these groups have closed highways, bridges, and airport terminals – critical chokepoints.

Again, how do these protests help the poor Palestinians? They don’t and have everything to do with destroying the West.