Many thanks to Mattias for this kind essay. Amazed at the outpouring hate that it has provoked. – Dr. Robert Malone

Every now and then someone tries to convince me that Robert Malone is ‘controlled opposition’. First and for all: I am aware that quite some people say the same about me. The problem is: the only person who can really know if this is true or not, is also the only person whose opinion will be considered completely irrelevant. This makes sense. If I am controlled opposition, I wouldn’t say it myself.

Back to Robert Malone: people have raised numerous arguments ‘proving’ that he works for the deep state. Some put forward that he admitted himself that he has been ‘deep in the belly of the beast’. And he was one of the people who developed the mRNA-technology – how so he wouldn’t believe in it? Others suggest the way he talks is a fine example of subtle neurolinguistic programming.

How can we actually discern the Real from the False? How can we discern Truth from Lies? That’s a good question. And it seems science has no answer to it. At least we know that the machines science developed to detect lies – so called ‘polygraphs’ – don’t work.