Despite $443 million in new annual spending aimed to reduce homelessness (a 374% increase) the number of people without a roof over their head has grown by 20 per cent in Canada, according to the Parliamentary Budget Officer.

“In the latest point in time count published by Infrastructure Canada, the number of homeless people had increased by 20 per cent relative to 2018 reaching 34,270, and we estimate that the number of chronically homeless people had increased by 38 per cent relative to 2018.”

The solution to the challenges we’re facing around homelessness is not going to be achieved simply by supporting community initiatives,” he said. “To address them you have to go upstream, without the affordable housing stock to provide a roof over the heads for everyone in this country, we will never end homelessness.”

During question period, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre asked how the government had managed to spend so much on homelessness program and achieve such poor results. “If it costs a half a billion dollars for him to drive up homelessness, how much would it cost to drive it down?”