Remember Brandon needs to be UP by at least 4 points nationwide to have a chance to win the Electoral College…also remember this is typically a Dem Friendly Poll

I would like to also point out something that none of these Polsters actually address…Including Rich Baris

Every Poll that asks “Who did you vote for in 2020″….shows the answer is precicely in line with the Final Tally …even in the swing states .

Nationally its Biden +4….and in the swing states its always Bang on the final results

Make if it what you will

My take is IF there was cheating it was ONLY at the close margin in a few Cities…BUT the National Vote Count at Biden Plus 4 ( 81 million to 77 Million) was bang on

And if this HH Poll is even close …There is NO way these few Cities can overcome this in 2024

Say what you will about polls but These Polls have improved immensely over the last few years..look at the depth and detail involved here…66 page PDF….interesting insights into the electorate
