No one who donates to a right-wing extremist organisation should be able to rely on remaining undetected nor unpunished . This from a top parlaimentarian .

Eugypius lives in Germany : here is his report on what is going on over there. Some desperately serious shit here. Put yourself with your views and actions… in Germany >

What are you feeling right now. I submit you are feelig what the Jews in Germany were feeling in the late 1930s

Snip :

We are just as determined to restrict the international networking of right-wing extremists. Right-wing extremist hatred must neither be exported out of Germany nor imported into Germany. That is why we are working together with the relevant state authorities to prevent right-wing extremists from travelling in and out of the country .

Right-wing extremists make use of the fears and experiences of crisis among the population in order to radicalise the political fringes and spread their agenda to the middle classes. We must be careful not to allow such thought and speech patterns to become part of our language

To summarise: “Right-wing extremists” are a nebulous and difficult-to-identify population of political subverters, who must be unmasked by the political police. This is necessary to control prevailing “thought and speech patterns” in Germany. Once these extremists have been identified by our guardians of orthodoxy, they are to punished for their mockery of the state, and the regulatory apparatus is to be repurposed to deprive them of everything from income to bank accounts. Their names are to be published so that they can be more easily intimidated and harassed by state-adjacent organisations for their political views, and they are to be prevented from crossing borders and from associating with each other. This is a direct summary of things that a sitting German Interior Minister and one of her top bureaucrats actually said at a national press conference four days ago.


Note : a Right wing extremist is anybody who thinks or says or posts ANYTHING that negative about the German Ruling Class !