No this is NOT Satire

From JC

If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a vaccine. The UK Daily Mail ran a curtly-headlined story yesterday which seemed to acknowledge how ridiculous this is getting:

Vaccines for everything! The article explained that daring University of New Mexico researchers genetically modified an attenuated virus to include human DNA for PCSK9, a protein molecule made in the liver that travels through the bloodstream and raises LDL(“bad”) cholesterol.

Once injected with the modified virus, the body creates antibodies targeting the human PCSK9 protein as well as the virus.

This “vaccine” gets your immune system to do the work by attacking the protein needed to make LDL cholesterol. In the old days, we’d call that an autoimmune response, but these days it’s called Science. Best of all, according to the Mail, the shot would only need boosting once a year and cost about $100. (Researchers got the idea from much more expensive drugs that inhibit PCSK9 — different from statins).

There’s a new gold rush, except this one comes in a needle and rhymes with “Maxine.” The covid shots opened up a brand-new frontier in pharmaceuticals: the genetic engineering of viruses to prompt an immune response targeting virtually anything doctors don’t like. You’ve already heard of the ‘cancer vaccines.’ But why limit ourselves to targeting diseases? Healthy but unwanted tissues can be included in there too.

For example, you won’t need testosterone suppressors; just engineer a virus with a bit of testosterone in it and let the immune system do its job. How about a fat vaccine? A vaccine that targets headaches? Eye floaters? Unwanted back hair? Underarm sweat? You name it! They can now make a “vaccine” for it, no problem. It’s a CRISPR for everyone! Vaccines for healthy human proteins.

What could go wrong?

Hang on … what if we could just get a little tissue sample from Anthony Fauci…? Or maybe Robert L. Peters? The possibilities are beyond exciting.
