USA – this contains new & important info for US citizens — watch to understand the implications (Katherine Watt Bailiwick News)
US government is incapable of acting for the benefit of citizens…………this short video explains WHY as well as WHO is in charge!
June 15, 2023 — Make murder a crime again. 20 minute video presentation by Katherine Watt — Bailiwick News
IN PARTICULAR — pay attention to the “bigger picture” explanation starting at roughly 3:30mark where she explains the “legal structure” that has been put in place over decades AND how if the US Gov’t DOES NOT DO as instructed by the BIS and Central Banks, access to banking and money services WILL be withdrawn by the financial cartel — thus immediately bankrupting the USA and destroying it financially.
This is a VERY large piece of the puzzle that is being exposed…………imo
The video is short ………