A dumbphone so dumb it can’t be hacked by remote. Yes they do exist. Even if it could be hacked there is nothing inside of much value except your phone book and call record if you keep them. This cheap mobile is a leader when it comes to dumb. The correct term is actually “Feature Phone” of course. They call it that because it really has no features of any kind. But its a work horse and you will be shocked to learn its still one of the worlds most popular phones having sold several hundred millions of units in Africa and Asia. The new models just came out and they sport 4G this year which is a huge jump from the prior versions 2G capability.

This model does not even have a browser so there is no Google, Facebook, Linked-in or any other social media connections. It has no WiFi, no WLAn, no Camera and no Bluetooth. It does not use JAVA and there is no GPS.  This is neither Android nor iOS based. The operating system is called Series 30 whatever the hell that is.  It does not have anything inside except one slim game called Snakes. And that’s it. Every Grandmother on the continent owns one. So do all the kids. They ring and make calls. They can send a text. They don’t do anything else! Not even take a selfie. The battery has a standby life of 600 hours before a recharge is needed. Shocking.

I just thought it would be fun to mention this little phone since I see them daily and everyone in these parts owns it or something very similar. The cost is as little as 15 dollars brand new in the box with a warranty. Edward Snowdon would approve. There is no data to steal even if you could access it remotely….which you can’t. Imagine that, a dumb phone so dumb only you and the phone company knows it exists when you turn it on. LOL

The Nokia 105 — Hundreds of Millions Sold  –  Still going Strong.