Terminal Decline’: Ontario Teachers Plead for Help as Schools Descend into Violent Mayhem
“I already wouldn’t tell someone to go into this profession. I’m going into my job every day stressed. I’m in fight-or-flight every day. I’m going to work, I’m getting hit, I’m being sworn at, and I’m only dealing with Grade Ones,” she says.
Trish is not even 30 years old
How ‘Progressive Discipline’ Turned Ontario Schools into a Battleground
Poor sweeties! These are the dimwits who thought they could take over the parent’s job, and they used their enormous collective influence with governments to make it so. Reap what you’ve sewn, Karen. To young parents, get your kids away from these simpletons! To the “teaching Karens” – male, female and non binary – the days your inflated pay checks and pensions are numbered.
It is by design. They want chaos. On every level. They are trying to destroy the world as it is now.
When I was in the school, teachers could (and did) hit you. One teacher was throwing bunch of keys on the ring. That was dangerous, he could hurt someone. But somehow, we were the most disciplined in his class. He only had to do it, once, maybe twice and it was sufficient for following years for the whole class.
Now parent can go to jail or lose kids if (s)he tries to do some tough love. So kids don’t learn consequences and they are all now spoiled brats. As adult they are then of course a nightmare.
It is all by design. For ‘common good’: chaos. Same with all the hate spreading, between races, age groups, political lines, genders, who knows what else. If there is a difference, lets use it to divide people, so they don’t realize, they all have one common enemy.