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They have finally crossed THE LINE ! THIS CAN BE THEIR DOWNFALL !

The world is outraged about the agenda of the World Health Organization and United Nations to normalize pedophilia through primary education. A US congresswoman is taking a bold stand against it, leading newspapers are alerting the public, renown physicians speak out, and international organizations rise up.

On May 6th 2023 we released a devastating evidence report that shows the agenda of the WHO and UN to promote pedophilia in kindergartens and elementary schools through the extreme sexualization of little children. Meanwhile the International Committee of Jurists (ICJ) and UNAIDS calls for the decriminalization of sex between adults and children.

The WHO and UN guidelines say that little children must learn masturbation, sexual techniques, and have sexual partners.

The Rutgers Foundation was chosen by the WHO to execute this agenda in 27 nations. In a training guide for teachers Rutgers says that the purpose of this sexuality education is to “give children ideas so they will start with sex sooner”. This foundation has a long history of pushing for the legalization of pedophilia. Rutgers has worked extensively with organizations that own large collections of child pornography. The close partnership between the World Health Organization and Rutgers to execute the sexuality education worldwide, proves how this is a clear attempt to normalize pedophilia through primary education.